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Ballet4LIFe® Data Protection and Privacy Policy


Ballet4Life holds personal data for past and current attendees, teachers, guest teachers, and people who have requested to join our mailing list to:

  • communicate with our attendees and teachers

  • manage attendance

  • confirm receipt of payment received online

  • communicate with and promote our new classes, and special events to attendees and those on our newsletter mailing list

  • to better serve our attendees in the classroom setting in terms of health and safety


We collect the minimum amount of data required for our purposes and we do not hold sensitive personal information, such as date of birth, bank details or credit card details. We do hold sensitive information concerning previous or current injuries or medical conditions that our attendees have felt important to inform us about.

Ballet4life will not use data collected for one purpose (such as an email address, required for notifications) for another purpose (such as a newsletter) without your explicit consent. Ballet4life stores personal data securely, does not share it with third parties and will not do so in the future without your explicit consent. It is encrypted and accessed by teaching staff only who are fully vetted and under contracts.

We have never given or sold our client base information nor will we ever do so.


On 25th May 2018 data protection regulations are changing to give people more rights concerning their personal data held or used by organisations. You may have heard the new regulations referred to as GDPR – General Data Protection Regulation. In accordance with GDPR, Ballet4life will not hold any person’s data unless they have specifically agreed that we may do so. If you wish your details to be amended or removed from our systems, you may ask us to do so at any time by e-mail to or in writing to Ballet4Life to be delivered to any member of staff at St. Peter’s Hall, Arts Ed, Chiswick or our Greenwich location, and we will take the necessary action promptly. If you would like to know what personal data we hold about you, please email or speak to us and we will return a copy of the data to you. To clarify, what we hold is the registration form you have completed when you first visited our website or our classes. 


Registration forms – online and hard copies - what is on the form:

  • Name

  • Address

  • Telephone

  • Email

  • Previous dance training

  • Previous/current injuries or conditions you wish us to be aware of to better assist you in the dance classes

  • Consent to not taking legal action should one injury oneself in class

  • Consent to take responsibility for lost property, lost carnets, terms and conditions over cancelled courses or classes, and agree to zero tolerance of abuse to Ballet4life staff



Once completed, the form and what agreed on it is valid for any other dance class later attended with Ballet4life.


People on our mailing list who opted to receive the quarterly Mailchimp Newsletter

We only hold the e-mail addresses of people who have requested to be kept informed about Ballet4life’s activities. This information is retained until we receive a request for its deletion. Each Mailchimp newsletter has an opt out option and we simple remove the person’s name and email who chooses to be removed.


Current and past clients:

We hold the information about our clients as outlined on the registration form and we hold an attendance record for use by the teachers and the director. This is stored securely and only current staff have access for work purposes.


Photographs and Videotapes:

We also occasionally photograph or videotape small bits of classes. The dancers are not named or tagged. We use these images to share with each other if requested. We also use some images for our social media accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. This is the standard for most dance organisations to show photographs from class and what happens in the studio. It helps to create a picture for newcomers and it helps attendees to feel proud of their dance accomplishments. We never publish a photograph which is unflattering or which is extreme in any way. If you do not wish us to photograph or videotape you in our classes, please let us know at the start of class. We will also add this opt out option to our new registration forms. We already have a small list of people who have requested this and we are happy to honour this 100%. If an image you appear in were ever to be posted by mistake, and you see it and wish it to be deleted, we will also take this action immediately to ensure your privacy is honoured.


People who have contacted us online tor request information:

We hold the name and email address and the query put forward and then will delete when concluded.


Data Protection and Privacy Policy
21 May 2018

GDPR 2018: Homepage_about


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